Nanki Kinan Shirahama Kumano Kodo


Meiko Bus Is First Company in Japan
to Have Express Buses Treated with SIAA-certified Antiviral Coating

About SIAA

The Society of International sustaining growth for Antimicrobial Articles (SIAA) is an organization of manufacturers and testing institutions whose goal is the dissemination of appropriately treated antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal products.

SIAA makes and maintains rules governing the quality and safety of treated antimicrobial products and certifies the labeling of SIAA marks for products that comply with these rules.

  • antiviral
  • antimicrobial

Antiviral coating inhibits viruses and bacteria

To put passengers at ease on their express bus trip, Meiko Bus has coated its buses with antiviral coating that complies with SIAA antiviral standards. Bearing the SIAA mark, Meiko Bus vehicles began running on all the company’s express bus routes as of June 2020. This coating inhibits viruses and bacteria that adhere to things like walls, seats, curtains, air conditioner filters, and restroom surfaces.

The coating was applied in cooperation with Seikadou Co., Ltd., a company with a proven track record in methods for protecting cultural properties and other artwork and developing and implementing technologies for antiviral and antimicrobial coating. Twenty Meiko Bus express buses and charter buses, including the Kumano Kodo Rapid Bus, have received the antiviral coating (as of June 2020). The coating has also been applied at facilities including the Meiko Bus Head Office, the Shirahama Office, and the Meiko Bus Telephone Reservation Center.

  • SIAA mark
  • SIAA marks certifying antiviral and antimicrobial properties

Meiko Bus vehicles incorporating the SIAA-certified antiviral coating

  • Photo - incorporating the SIAA-certified antiviral coating
  • Photo - incorporating the SIAA-certified antiviral coating
  • Photo - incorporating the SIAA-certified antiviral coating
  • Photo - incorporating the SIAA-certified antiviral coating
  • Photo - incorporating the SIAA-certified antiviral coating
  • Photo - incorporating the SIAA-certified antiviral coating