Nanki Kinan Shirahama Kumano Kodo


Bus amenities

Bus amenities

  • Free Wi-Fi inside buses

    Free Wi-Fi inside buses

    Passengers can use the free Wi-Fi on the bus* to do things like surf the Internet and watch videos from their smartphone, tablet, or PC.

    • Only on Meiko buses.
  • Power outlets and USB ports

    Power outlets and USB ports

    There is a 100 V power outlet or a USB port for every seat on the bus. Use these to charge your mobile phone, smartphone, tablet, or other device.

    • Do not charge items other than mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, or similar devices.
    • Do not use hair dryers or PCs since doing say may damage the bus’s electrical system.
    • Only on Meiko buses.
  • Drink holders

    Drink holders

    There are drink holders for every seat on the bus.

  • Seats


    On the Tokyo and Kyoto routes, each row is comprised of standalone seats with space between each seat so passengers have more room. On the Tokyo route, the large reclining seats have foot rests or leg rests for a comfortable journey.

    • The Osaka route buses have four seats per row.
  • Cargo space

    Cargo space

    Suitcases and other large items are kept in the underfloor cargo space until your destination is reached.